隨想의 窓<隨筆>


chung si yoo 4932 2013. 6. 26. 07:43
A  FATHER'S  BOOK OF WISDOM (0점) | 사랑 나누기/정시유2009-03-06
오전 4:45:16
HTML Document

태                     인생의  관점 


       When you can't change the direction


                 of the wind-adjust your sails.


               바람의 방향을 바꿀 수 없으면


                  돛의 방향을 바꾸어라


                        -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.




                              성공의 길


         Failure is success if we learn from it.


         만약 그기에서 배운다면 실패는  성공이다


                            -Malcomb s. Forbes




       He has achieved success who has


       lived well,laughed often and loved much


              잘 살고 잘 웃고 많이 사랑하는


              사람은 성공을 성취한 사람이다


                          -Bessie Anderson Stanley



                             일의 성취


         When the one Great Scorer comes to write


       against your name , He markes, not that you


            won lost, but how you played the game
















                                      siyoo chung 恩秀 

트랙백 주소 : http://blog.cgntv.net/lib/rss/trackback.asp?ID=adoa653407
문서 주소 : http://blog.cgntv.net/document/adoa653407


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